
大成研究 | 赵海晏等:涉外离婚后的经济救济应用:英国和中国的比较法律视角


This article explores the complexities and legal frameworks governing financial relief following a foreign divorce, focusing on England and China. In England, under the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act 1984, parties can seek maintenance, payments, or property division after a foreign divorce, provided certain jurisdictional criteria are met. In contrast, Chinese courts do not directly support the parties' claims of alimony in a foreign divorce under similar circumstances, but grant certain financial relief to the parties qualified with financial compensation, financial assistance and damage compensation, reflecting differences in legal provisions and legal cultures between the two countries.


The article highlights the need for strategic legal planning for parties seeking financial relief in cross-border divorce scenarios, emphasizing the importance of understanding both jurisdictions' laws and practices. Through careful navigation of these legal landscapes, with professional legal guidance, parties can achieve equitable financial outcomes post-divorce.

涉外离婚后在英格兰获得经济救济Getting Financial Relief in England after a Foreign Divorce


In the United Kingdom:


The power of English courts to grant financial relief is governed under the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act 1984 after a marriage has been dissolved (or annulled) in a foreign country. Under this law, a party can establish maintenance, obtain payments or divide property. 

在Agbaje v Agbaje (2010) 1 FLR 1813一案中,一对夫妇在尼日利亚度过了他们大部分的婚姻生活并且也在那里离婚,但他们在英格兰有一套房屋,离婚时Agbaje夫人还在该处居住。尼日利亚法院将双方在尼日利亚拥有的一处房产的终身权益判给了Agbaje夫人,还有相当于21 000英镑的一次性付款。Agbaje夫人根据《婚姻和家庭诉讼法》第三部分申请经济救济,英国高等法院裁决她应获得相当于出售英格兰房屋所得65%的一次性款项。这笔赔偿金占这对夫妇总资产的39%。上诉法院推翻了这一裁决,但最高法院最终予以维持。最高法院认为,第三部分的目的是在当事人与英格兰有实质性联系的情况下,减轻因外国法院未提供或未提供足够经济救济而造成的不利后果。

In Agbaje v Agbaje (2010) 1 FLR 1813, a couple had spent most of their married life in Nigeria and had divorced there, but they had a house in England that Mrs Agbaje was in living when the divorce was granted. The Nigerian court awarded Mrs Agbaje a life interest in a property the couple owned in Nigeria and a lump sum equivalent to £21,000. Mrs Agbaje applied to financial relief under Part III of the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act and the English High Court ordered that she should receive a lump sum equal to 65% of the proceeds of the sale of the house in England. This award represented 39% of the couple's total assets. This decision was overturned by the Court of Appeal but ultimately upheld by the Supreme Court, which held that the whole purpose of Part III is to alleviate adverse consequences of no, or no adequate, financial provision being made by a foreign court in a situation where the parties have substantial connections with England.

1. 确立管辖权:

1. Establishing Jurisdiction:


Either party to the marriage may apply to the English family court for Part III relief if they are divorced or their marriage has been annulled using the due process of law, which means that the divorce is entitled to be recognised under English law.


The applicant must be able to show that on the effective date of the divorce or on the date of application for a Part III order:


a)either party was domiciled in England and Wales;


b)either party was habitually resident for one year in England and Wales; or


c)one or both parties had at the date of the Part III application an interest in a house in England and Wales which was the matrimonial home at some point during their marriage.

2. 提出申请:

2. Making an Application: 


To obtain Part III relief the applicant must prepare a statement and submit an affidavit detailing why the applicant believes it is appropriate for the English court to make an order. First, the applicant must apply to the court for permission to apply for an order. This is called an "Application for Permission" and must be filed without notice to the other party. Once permission is granted, the case can be treated the same as a normal application for financial relief, with both parties preparing a financial statement (Form E) and the matter being listed for a hearing.

3. 决定性因素:

3. The Determinative Factors:


a)Primary consideration must be given to the welfare of any children of the marriage. If children are being supported by a foreign party, this may mean an application under Part III is less likely to succeed.


b)It is never appropriate to make an order that gives the applicant more than they would have been awarded had the divorce and financial remedy proceedings taken place in this jurisdiction.


c)Where possible, the order should have the result that provision is made for the reasonable needs of each party.


Subject to these principles, the court has a broad discretion.

高净值离婚案中的商业问题Commercial Issues in High-Net-Worth Divorces

涉及巨额资产的离婚通常以公平分割为目标,会考虑收入、需求和生活水平等因素。如果资产隐藏在公司内部,法院也可以如Prest v Petrodel Resources [2013] UKSC 34一案揭开公司面纱(lift the corporate veil)。

Divorces involving substantial assets often aim for an equitable division, considering factors like income, needs, and standard of living. The court may also pierce the corporate veil in cases where assets are hidden within companies, as seen in Prest v Petrodel Resources [2013] UKSC 34.


To successfully obtain financial relief under Part III of the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act 1984, it is important for an applicant to consider the jurisdictional requirements carefully. It may be that a prospective applicant will decide to move to the UK or buy property in England before filing for an overseas divorce. Such an action, if done correctly, could mean that they are able to apply successfully to the English courts for substantial financial relief. 


For parties who have divorced overseas and who are able to satisfy the particular requirements that I have discussed, such awards can provide a significant advantage over what they may be able to obtain in the country where they divorced.


Understanding and navigating the complexities of securing financial relief in England post-foreign divorce can significantly impact the outcome. For those with substantial connections to England, the English courts offer a robust framework for achieving fair financial settlements post-divorce.

涉外离婚后在中国的判决承认与执行Judgment Recognition and Enforcement in China after a Foreign Divorce


In China:


According to Chinese law, a divorce case is likely to be recognized as a foreign divorce case if the following factors applies: i.First, if the subject of the case is foreign-related, where one or both parties are foreigners, and the habitual residence of one or both parties is outside the territory of China; ii.Second, if the subject matter of the dispute is foreign-related, and the division of property in divorce is located outside the Chinese territory; andiii.Third, if the case involves foreign legal relations, and the legal facts that give rise to, change or extinguish civil legal relations occur outside the Chinese territory. 

However, unlike in England, Chinese courts do not grant financial relief such as maintenance under the Matrimonial & Family Proceedings Act 1984 after a marriage has been dissolved (or annulled) in a foreign country. 

One of the reasons is that according to the relevant laws and regulations on marriage in China (mainly the Marriage and Family Section of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China and relevant judicial interpretations), China has made corresponding legal provisions for financial compensation, financial assistance and damage compensation related to divorce. Accordingly, if a party wishes to have his/her divorce judgment in England recognized in China, then he/she will first need to apply for recognition and enforcement of the English divorce judgment in China.

1. 中国关于离婚经济补偿等的法律规定:

1.China's laws and regulations on financial compensation for divorce:


In relation to financial compensation, Courts will turn more towards the housework compensation for one of the spouses (as stipulated in Article 1088 of the Civil Code of the People's Republic of China (Civil Code)). It states that where one of the spouses has more obligations due to the raising of children, caring for the elderly, assisting the other party in work etc.; then in the event of a divorce, the party has the right to request compensation from the other spouse. The parties can negotiate and reach an agreement on specific compensation; and if the agreement fails, the Chinese courts shall make a judgment. In judicial practice, Chinese courts usually consider factors such as the specifics of the case, the length of the marriage, the intensity of housework, and the degree of trust in the marital relationship to determine the specific amount of financial compensation. In particular, it is important to note that this compensation can only be proposed "at the time of divorce". If the requesting party does not advocate for divorce, and simply requests for the other party for financial compensation, or if the party files a separate claim for financial compensation after the divorce, it will not be supported by the Chinese court.


With regard to financial assistance, it is more of a relief for the basic survival rights of the party who is in difficulty during the divorce, which is reflected in Article 1090 of the Civil Code. If one party has difficulties in life during divorce, the other party who can afford it should provide appropriate help. The parties can negotiate and reach an agreement on specific compensation; similarly if the agreement fails, the Chinese court shall make a judgment. In judicial practice, Chinese courts usually determine whether it is necessary to provide financial assistance and the period or conditions of financial assistance for divorce based on the actual circumstances of the case. 

It is necessary to note that the divorce financial assistance is not unconditional and unlimited. For example, if one party has his own house or personal income; the property obtained by divorce division is enough to live with after divorce (including being able to rent and to live in); and the basic standard of living can be maintained - it does not meet the standard of "difficult life". At the same time, when the time limit expires or if certain conditions are met, the relevant party is no longer obligated to provide financial assistance for divorce. Therefore, if a party wishes to obtain high alimony and living expenses through divorce financial assistance, they will not get support from the court.


As for divorce damages, it is provided to protect the interests of the innocent party. The law defines the reasons for divorce damages claims by combining enumerated and generalised provisions to specify the grounds on which a claim for divorce damages can be made. In accordance with Article 1091 of the Civil Code, where divorce occurs under any of the following circumstances, the party without fault shall have the right to claim damages for: (1) bigamy; (2) cohabitation with others; (3) committing domestic violence; (4) maltreatment or abandonment of family members; and (5) committing other major faults. As for the specific amount of damages, Chinese courts usually decide according to the actual merits of the case, taking into account the degree of fault, the consequences of damage and financial conditions. It should be noted in particular that if the party not at fault, as the plaintiff, files a claim for damages in a Chinese court, it must be filed at the same time as the divorce proceedings; and if, as the defendant, the defendant does not consent to the divorce or file a claim for damages on the basis of the provisions of the article, then only then can a separate lawsuit be filed in this regard.

2. 英国法院做出的涉外离婚判决在中国是否会被认可其效力:

2. Will foreign divorce judgments made by English courts be recognized as valid in China:


If a legally effective judgment or order made by a foreign court needs to be recognized and enforced by a Chinese court, the concerned party may apply directly to an intermediate people's court with jurisdiction (the intermediate people's court at the place of domicile of the person against whom the execution is to be effected or at the place where the person's property is situated) for recognition and enforcement. The foreign court may also request the Chinese Court to recognise the judgment in accordance with the provisions of the international treaties concluded or acceded to by that country with China or in accordance with the principle of reciprocity.

If, after examination in accordance with law, the Chinese court finds that it does not violate the basic principles of Chinese law and does not harm China's national sovereignty, security or social and public interests, it shall order to recognize its validity. If execution is necessary, an execution order shall be issued and executed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the law. 

Generally speaking, if a party wishes for the Chinese court to recognize the validity of the divorce judgment made by the English court, it is also necessary to apply to a court with competent jurisdiction for recognition and enforcement in accordance with the aforementioned procedure. It should be noted in particular that in current judicial practice, Chinese courts generally only recognize the effect of foreign courts' judgments on dissolution of marriage, and not the effect of judgments on divorce property settlement and child support.

3. 英国法院做出的涉外离婚判决在中国承认及执行的现状:

3. The current status of recognition and enforcement of foreign divorce judgments made by British courts in China:


China and England have not concluded bilateral judicial agreements on the recognition and enforcement of marriage and family cases, nor have they concluded or jointly participated in relevant international conventions to date. Therefore, for foreign divorce judgments made by British courts, the parties can only apply to the Chinese court for recognition and enforcement based on the principle of reciprocity. In judicial practice, Chinese courts mainly conduct case-by-case review of those divorce judgments of British courts in accordance with the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Procedures for the Recognition and Enforcement of Divorce judgments of Foreign Courts, and finally make a decision on recognition or not. Chinese courts have made few relevant decisions in this regard for the past few years. Yet, the practice between the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is more optimistic instead, although the legal system of HKSAR is different from that of the Mainland of China, which is based on common law supplemented by statute law. Significant progress has already been made in the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in marriage and family cases between the courts of the Mainland of China and HKSAR. 

On 5 May 2021, the Legislative Council of the HKSAR passed the "Regulation on Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Marriage and Family Cases from the Mainland of China", effectively putting a temporary halt to the inconsistencies in the recognition and enforcement of such judgments in the past practices of the two places, bringing a glimmer of hope. 

Similarly on 15 February 2022, the Supreme People's Court of China officially announced the "Arrangement on Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Marriage and Family Civil Cases Judgments between Courts of the Mainland of China and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region". This means that the vast majority of cross-border matrimonial and family cases judgments between the two places can be mutually recognized and enforced, greatly reducing the burden of repeated litigation and opening a new journey of judicial exchange and cooperation in the field of marriage and family in the two places.



In summary, foreign divorce cases are a very difficult and complex issue, involving not only the conflict of laws between China and England and the jurisdiction of the courts of different countries, but also the recognition and enforcement of foreign court judgments in other countries. Therefore, for cross-border divorce cases involving China and England, it is important to understand the different provisions of marriage and family related laws of the two countries and the different systems of protection of interests involved in the divorce. There is also a need to familiarise with the judicial practice of recognition and enforcement of foreign divorce judgments by the Chinese courts, and to understand that the complexity of obtaining financial relief in the United Kingdom after a foreign divorce will have a significant impact on the outcome of the divorce. 

With the assistance of experienced lawyers in both China and the UK, the specific circumstances of the case can be studied, and the direction and strategy of the litigation be determined. Parties can utilise divorce-related financial relief to maximise the fairness of the financial compensation through the parallel litigation and the recognition and enforcement of the foreign court's divorce judgment, which is also an effective path to explore for the parties to maximise their legitimate interests and strive for the fair division of the divorced property.



— 往期推荐 —

1. 赵海晏等:《关于内地与香港特别行政区法院相互认可和执行婚姻家庭民事案件判决的安排》解读




